Texas Floating Classroom, Inc.
P.O. Box 2286 Aransas Pass, TX 78335-2286 (361) 717-4176
Texas Floating Classroom
Texas Floating Classroom, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, was formed in January 2014 by captains Bryan and Whitney Curry to expand the marine science educational opportunities available to students of the Texas coastal bend. Our mission is to provide hands-on marine science education and a platform for research to students of the Texas Gulf coast and beyond.
R/V Archimedes
In April 2014, Texas Floating Classroom acquired a 34-passenger USCG certified vessel to accomplish this mission. The R/V Archimedes is a true research vessel, providing students of all ages the opportunity to safely explore and quantify the marine environment while collecting and examining its many fascinating inhabitants. Fish, crabs, shrimp, and other animals are collected with a small trawl net and temporarily held in a touch tank onboard for students to examine closely before releasing. Phytoplankton and zooplankton are collected and placed under high-powered microscopes connected to a large monitor visible throughout the cabin. On longer cruises, a ponar dredge collects sediment from beneath the water and students sieve to find polychaetes, clams, and brittle stars. Lessons can be coordinated to align with specific TEKS upon request, and materials are available to teachers to reinforce concepts covered during educational cruises.
2023 Texas Environmental Excellence Award Winner

The Texas Environmental Excellence Awards is an annual awards program that honors achievements in environmental preservation and protection. The Environmental Educator of the Year is awarded by a Blue Ribbon Committee of community leaders to a stand-out educator who highlights environmental education. Their recommendations are then considered by the TCEQ commissioners and the Governor.
Captain Whitney received this recognition at the awards banquet at the Austin Convention Center on May 17, 2023 and honored with a $2500 donation to the Texas Floating Classroom.