The R/V Archimedes is a true research vessel, providing students of all ages the opportunity to safely explore and quantify the marine environment while collecting and examining its many fascinating inhabitants. Fish, crabs, shrimp, and other animals are collected with a small trawl net and temporarily held in a touch tank onboard for students to examine closely before releasing. Phytoplankton and zooplankton are collected and placed under high-powered microscopes connected to a large monitor visible throughout the cabin. On longer cruises, a ponar dredge collects sediment from beneath the water and students sieve to find polychaetes, clams, and brittle stars. Lessons can be coordinated to align with specific TEKS upon request, and materials are available to teachers to reinforce concepts covered during educational cruises.
The Archimedes is equipped with a full complement of scientific equipment for accurate observation of the marine environment and for the collection of specimens for onboard study. Equipment includes plankton nets, microscopes, a ponar dredge, sieves, a Secchi disk, Dissolved Oxygen and temperature meters, refractometers, water quality test kits, and much more. If requested in advance, live specimens can be saved for your classroom aquarium. All onboard lessons align with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for each grade level and can be customized to reinforce individual teacher classroom curricula.